Local Visual Art Studio Fire Glass Studio proudly shares the work of Ruth Sussman, a local Glass Artist who uses her art to inspire others to let go of their pain and to always remember those who were lost.
Canoga Park, CA–Auschwitz, the very name conjures the Holocaust. It evokes nightmares, anger, tears, deep regret and piercing loss. The moral lesson it teaches, endures: “Always remember and never forget.”
As a young girl, Ruth learned of that dark chapter in our history when more that 6 million people were exploited and murdered simply because of their cultural heritage. Even though Ruth and her family were not direct victims of the horrors of that time, Ruth feels deeply moved by that period and began to create Glass-Art that would help her express the deep feelings she feels when she thinks on that time.
In remembrance of the Shoah, Ruth created a striking and powerful piece of fused-glass wall art (see photos below). In it, she captured its darkness and pain as well as its humbling message.

Upon first seeing the piece, creator and owner of Fire Glass Studio, Michal Hasson stated “It is simply heartbreaking. It is so profound and striking. It instantly returned me home, re-living the pain of my family. Ruth perfectly captures that pain, the camp , the little Talit(prayer shawl) of a small child , the new and old dry blood…I was speechless.”
Michal understands the pain of the Holocaust Survivors too well. In 1940 Michal’s grandmother was killed by the Nazis and her mother Devora Finkelstein and her family barely escaped the same fate when they evaded German troops by running into a nearby forest where they became part of the partisan resistance movement in Poland until the war ended.
Michal says, “At Fire Glass Studio, we are humbled when we see one of our artists create something as powerful as this piece. When we can facilitate a creative experience that helps someone grow into the fullness of who they are through their Glass Art Visioning we believe that person can begin to express their deepest feelings and in that expression, bring healing. With healing comes confidence. With confidence comes desire to be in relationship and in relationships, bridges to communities are born. Building bridges in our community is one of the goals that Fire Glass Studio is committed to. Inspiring individuals to release their creative selves in order to build stronger communities and friendships within those communities is one of the biggest gifts we can offer back to others.”
This is why Ruth’s efforts hold so much meaning.
Michal says that Ruth began working with Glass Art almost ten years ago with Mosaic Glass. She then discovered the variety and depth of expression she could bring out in her work when she began to study Glass Fusioning.
In the last year, Ruth has become a constant fixture at Fire Glass Studio in their Open Lab Program which allows independent Glass Artists in the LA and San Fernando Valley area to come and create their art in a professional fully equipped studio at their own pace and desire. Ruth has a tremendous passion for her art. She loves the fluidity and tactile connection to molding glass into real world extensions of her feelings and imagination and seeing the results each morning when she opens the lid of the kiln used to fire her glass into its final shape.
To commemorate Holocaust Remembrance Day, which begins at sunset, Sunday, April 27, and ends Monday evening, April 28, Michal is opening her studio to allow any local Glass Artists who would like to come and share their work, see some more of Ruth’s art, or to get together to speak on how the power of art can help create real change.
This is a wonderful story. Thank you for sharing.